About React Js Course
Developed in Facebook Labs, React JS is one of the most popular and effective JavaScript front- end libraries which aids in creating operations with further robustness, scalability and ease. That’s why utmost associations prefer developing operations using React JS which eventually gives rise to the huge demand for React JS inventors and experts. Learn our React Js Course in Surat at RednWhite Institute.
Course Duration 12 Months
Daily Time 2 Hours
Included In This Course
- Job Support
- Rich Learning Content
- Taught by Experienced Prof.
- Industry Orientd Projects
Course Modules
Core React.JS
- Core React JS
- Intro to React.JS
- Advantages of ReactJS
- Environment of ReactJS
- Introduction of NPM and NodeJS
- Developer Tools extensions
- ReactJS Lifecycle
- Understand directory structure
- Introduction of JSX
- Nested Elements
- Attributes
- JavaScript Expressions
- Comments
- Component Life Cycle
- Intro to State and Props
- Working with State
- Component State Lifecycle
- Working with Props
- Stateless and Stateful Components
- useState and useEffect
- React Events
- Form Handling
- Apply events and states on Forms
- Styling in Forms
- Dynamic Form Component
- Array and Object handling
- Available methods
- Spreading
- merging
- destructuring
- map and key
- filter and reduce
- Local Storage
- Working with Local Storage
- CRUD Operation
- Routing and Navigation
- Installing Third-party packages
- Working with Router
- Sending data to other page
- Revert send data to previous page
- CRUD operation with Routing
- Form Validation and Filtering
- Redux
- Installing Redux
- Actions
- Reducers
- Store
- Root Component
- CRUD operation
- Persistence
- Local Storage
- Session Storage
- Reselect and Reducer Hooks
- Create Selector
- CreateStructuredSelector
- Utility Functions (Optional)
- UseSelectore Hook
- UseDispatch Hook
- Array and Object handling
- Available methods
- Spreading
- merging
- destructuring
- map and key
- filter and reduce
- Local Storage
- Working with Local Storage
- CRUD Operation
- Routing and Navigation
- Installing Third-party packages
- Working with Router
- Sending data to other page
- Revert send data to previous page
- CRUD operation with Routing
- Form Validation and Filtering
- Redux
- Installing Redux
- Actions
- Reducers
- Store
- Root Component
- CRUD operation
- Persistence
- Local Storage
- Session Storage
- Reselect and Reducer Hooks
- Create Selector
- CreateStructuredSelector
- Utility Functions (Optional)
- UseSelectore Hook
- UseDispatch Hook
1 Months
Core JS
Advance React.JS
- Advance React.JS
- API Integration
- Working with Postman
- Types of API
- Working with JSON Server
- API Calling with fetch() and Axios package
- Working with API Services
- Promises
- Firebase
- Get data
- Write data
- Promising with firebase
- Remove data
- Update data
- firebase integration with Redux
- Fetch a list of data into redux
- Async Redux Actions
- Google Authentication
- Custom Higher-Order components
- Stripe Payment
- React Hooks
3 Months
Core JS