About Front End Development
Frontend design involves creating the HTML, CSS, and presentational JavaScript code that makes up a user interface. A frontend designer (who may also go by UI developer, client-side developer, UI engineer, design engineer, frontend architect, designer/developer, prototyper, unicorn, or Bo Jackson) lives in a sort of purgatory between worlds.
Course Duration 12 Months
Daily Time 2 Hours
Included In This Course
- Job Support
- Rich Learning Content
- Taught by Experienced Prof.
- Industry Oriented Projects
Course Modules
Web Front end Coding
- Web Design
- Create a Website Structure Using HTML, HTML5
- Formatting Web Layouts Using CSS3
- Build Responsive Web Design Using Media Query Using Framework Like Bootstrap
- Add Some Cool Effects Using JavaScript & jQuery
- Converting PSD to HTML
- Adding Animation, Scrolling Effects, and Many More Effects Using JS & JQuery
- Optimizing Website Using SEO Rules
- Launching Our Website
- Learning About Domain, Hosting, and Maintain Live Website Using Server Panel \
HTML5, CSS3, Tailwind CSS, SASS, LESS, Media Query , jQuery (Atch.), Bootstrap, SEO, FTP, Hosting, Javascript (Atch.)
6 Months
Web Front End Development & Angular Js
- Web Front-End Development
- JavaScrip
- JavaScript Importance
- ECMAScript & Versions & Install Environment Scratch JS
- Show different Types of Output Methods (alert, console, document, inner HTML)
- Syntax and Operations Of JS
- Conditions & Looping
- Different types of Variable Like (var, const, let)
- Array and String With Different Methods
- Functions (Function Types, Return Types)
- Working with Objects ( Prototype, Methods )
- Use Different Types of Objects LIKE (Date, Math, Boolean, and Number)
- Understanding Class and Objects, constructor, Prototype, Inheritance)
- Working with JavaScript DOM (Document Object Module)
- Understanding ES6 Concept
- Arrows
- Classes
- Iterators + for of
- Modules & Module Loaders
- Proxies, Symbols, Promises, then, next
- Understanding JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
- Working with JSON ( JSON.parse, JSON.stringify, JSON object, JSON array)
- Storing Local Data in Javascript with JSON local storage
- Angular Js
- Angular Importance and Installing NPM
- Understanding Directory Structures
- Understanding Data Binding and ng Serve commands
- Working with MVC (Model, View, Controller)
- Scope and filtering (custom filter)
- Working with tables and select
- Working with (HTTP) Request and Response
- Working with DOM & ng events
- Understanding Form and Validations
- Understanding SQL with Angular
- Working with Routings & Services
- Setup Custom Template
- Working with API and Request
- Understanding Class and Objects, constructor, Prototype, Inheritance)
- Working with JavaScript DOM ( Document Object Module )
Java Script
6 Months