About asp net Course
Join RNW's Dot Net Training in Navsari for the best education on the Dot Net Framework and its application, all while being guided by licensed professionals with real-world experience. With the aid of the hands-on instruction provided by our Professional Dot Net Mentors, you will be able to develop dependable real-time apps. Register now for our Dot Net Training in Navsari!
Course Duration 12 Months
Daily Time 2 Hours
Included In This Course
- Job Support
- Rich Learning Content
- Taught by Experienced Prof.
- Industry Orientd Projects
Course Modules
PHP Development Training Course Objectives
- C# topics
- .NET Programming Framework
- C# .NET
- Class Library
- Hello Word Example
- Data Type
- Variables
- Console Output/Input
- Decision Statements (if, Switch)
- Ternary Operator
- Loops (for, while, do....while)
- Break/Continue
- File management
- Array (one dimensional, two dimensional)
- Foreach loop
- Type Casting
- Boxing and Unboxing
- Exception Handling
- Enum
- C# OOPS Concepts
- Introduction to OOPS
- Classes & Objects
- Functions
- Constructors
- Inheritance & Its types
- Interface
- Polymorphism - Method Overloading & Overriding
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Non-Generic Collections
- Array List
- Sorted List
- Stack
- Queue
- Hashtable
- Generic Collections
- List
- Dictionary
- Sorted List
- Queue
- Stack
- Introduction to dependency injection
- Introduction to GIT
.Net Core MVC
- Introduction to net core
- Introduction to MVC in dot net core(Model , View , Controller architecture)
- Introduction to middleware
- Introduction to tag helpers and Razor pages
- Setting up Model , Controller and then View
- Implementing dependency injection
- Introduction to partial class
- Introduction to partial view
- Database interaction using entity framework core
- Implementation of required NuGet packages
- Implementation of data migration using code first approach
- Introduction to Action Methods
- What are Asynchronous and Synchronous methods
- CRUD using code first approach and data first approach
- Introduction to Routing (Conventional and attribute based)
- Introduction to DTO (Data Transfer objects)
- Introduction to object to object mapping
- Introduction to LINQ
- Repository pattern
- CRUD using repository pattern
- CRUD using Dapper with Stored Procedure using repository pattern
- Introduction to jQuery / JavaScript
- Var, let and Const(datatypes)
- Operators
- If-else
- Switch case
- Loops
- Arrays
- Objects and Functions
- Class and Constructor
- Introduction to DOM
- jQuery introduction
- Effects
- DOM with jQuery
- Introduction to Ajax
- Using CDN with jQuery
- Introduction to CSS and Bootstrap
- Implementing pagination , search and sorting(client side)
- Implementing pagination , search and sorting(server side)
- Implementing Validations(server side)
- Cookies
- Introduction to viewdata , viewbag and temp data
- Implementing Notification and using viewdata , viewbag and temp data
- Authentication and Authorization using identity
- Introduction to Web Api , swagger and postman
- Introduction to SQL Server Management Studio
- Creating database
- Creating Table in Database
- Introduction to Data Types
- Mathematical functions
- Creating table for insert , update ,delete
- Introduction to Primary key
- Introduction to AND ,OR , NOT operators
- Order by
- SQL Like operator
- IN operator in SQL
- Between Operator
- Union , Group By and Having
- Introduction to Foreign key
Introduction to joins
- Introduction to joins
- what are joins
- Inner Join
- Left Join
- Right Join
- Full Join
- Self Join
- User Defined Functions
- Scalar Functions
- Table Valued Functions
- Introduction to Stored Procedure