How to purchase Domain & Hosting From Hostinger

How to purchase Domain & Hosting From Hostinger

Are you going to start your new website or online business? Learn here how to purchase a domain and hosting easily with some offer.

Are you going to start your new website or online business?

Learn here how to purchase a domain and hosting easily with some offer.

Domain & Hosting is very required to start your website or blog.

All Web Designer and Developer should know this procedure very well to Design and Develop a Website.

So first of all, what is domain and Hosting?

So we will see in this blog:

The domain is a virtual address for your website or blog.

Like is a Domain for our website that you can see in URL. Google will find your website through a domain name.

What is Hosting?

In simple language, hosing is a space on the internet for your website and blog where all the data like images, videos or any other files will be stored.

How to purchase Domain Name?

First of all, you have to select Domain Registrar means the websites who provide domains.

Many websites provide domain like Godaddy, Hostgator, Namecheap, Bluehost and many more.

Lets make it easy to purchase a domain for you.

Lets make it easy for you.

Just click down below to get your first domain with just ₹50/- to ₹100/- from Hostiger easily.

From the Navigation bar select Domain and go to the Domain Checker.

In the search area write down your favourite name with .com, .in, .org or anything and hit the Search Button.

If your favourite domain name will available, then you will see the result like this, and it will show the more domain options below the result. If you are ok with the name, then add it to cart and go for the checkout.

Add the payment details and checkout.

Here you go.

You have your first domain.

How to purchase Hosting?

Now having a domain, lets get the space for our website, I mean Hosting.

Again you will start with the link from Hostinger.

Click on the Hosting from the navigation bar and select the Shared Web Hosting for the beginners or the small projects.

You can choose other options like Cloud Hosting for the advanced and large projects, Email Hosting to prompt your business through Email marketing or WordPress Hosting for the WordPress sites.


Click on the button. Get it now.

You will find different plans according to a different kind of hosting services.

Select as per your requirement and click on the add to cart.

Here are some different plans you can choose.

So choose as per your requirement and checkout.

Here We go.

Now we are ready to upload our website.

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How to purchase Domain & Hosting From Hostinger