Designer Meetup 2.0 organised by rnwmultimedia
If you are confident in your design skills but you are concerned that you are the only crew member on an empty ship, then you should attend our scheduled meetup.
The whole design community is going to be gathered together on a single, unified platform for this event. The Design Meetup provided an excellent opportunity to create an interactive environment for the discussion and debate of all topics pertaining to design and technology, in addition to a platform for the free exchange of ideas.
The designers who gather for the designer meetup 2.0 Surat have a single goal in mind, and that is to enhance the overall quality of the new technology that we create by conceptualizing innovative strategies to enhance the user experience and direct users attention to the features of the application that are of the utmost significance. We got together with some of our in-house designers for this session of the design meetup series that we planned so that they could share their real-world experiences and opinions on forthcoming trends in design.
Our objective is to organize a design meeting at which developers, designers, UX geeks, and others can gather, engage in productive shop banter, and, most importantly, collaborate on the production of wonderful things. Even though in-house artists, guests, and renowned personalities will be participating in this initial event, we are hoping that it will serve as a catalyst for additional designers to share their work and talk about the things that genuinely inspire them.
The following is a summary of some of the conversations that took place during the event:
More than 250 people joined our Designer Meetup 2.0 "surat." It was a successful meeting of designers that was conducted by Mohit Savaliya, the Figma Community Advocate , Rajesh Radadiya, the Associate UI Designer from Koru UX Design, and Urvik, the Sr. UI UX Designer, under the banner "Red & White Multimedia Education". The meetup was named "Designer Meetup 2.0 Surat." This meetup is organized so that Surat can move forward to its target of becoming India is IT hub. It is the biggest community in Surat and the first designer community in Surat. In Gujarat, it is the second largest group overall.
At this meetup, we talked about various topics. At first, Mr. Mohit Savaliya shared a few points about how the designer meetup started and how this community is helping a lot of designers. After that, Mr. Alpesh Vaghasiya shared his views about the growing IT industry and how the designer community is helping other cities in India and how the designer meetup can help Surat to become an IT hub. He also shared some of his valuable life experiences. After that, Mr. Kishore from the Lottie community shared his thoughts and details about Lottie and how to use Lottie files, tools, use cases, and why you should use Lottie. We also added a session for Vedantu where Mr. Alok Kumar, the Director of Product Design from Vedantu, shared a lot of things about his journey and how he conquered success in design. He discussed the design problems, competitive analysis. Ask anyone who attended a Meetup and they will tell you that it feels like a bunch of old friends getting together to be inspired, share and gain knowledge, and to feel integrally connected to the industry as a whole.