About Node Js Course
Node.js is a JavaScript runtime framework and library that is used to carry out web applications off of a client's web browser. Using an offline, event-driven methodology, Node.js is perfect for data-intensive applications and is used by developers to create server-side web applications. Join our
Course Duration 12 Months
Daily Time 2 Hours
Included In This Course
- Job Support
- Rich Learning Content
- Taught by Experienced Prof.
- Industry Orientd Projects
Course Modules
- Understanding Developer Tools And Setup Nodejs Environment
- Installing NPM(Globally & Locally)
- Understanding Event Emitter & REPL and CMD
- Make server with node js and Handle http REQUEST and RESPONSE
- How to attach Server Static Resources & Middleware & File Streaming
- Different Types of web Application Frameworks (Express, Koa, Hapi, Laravel, Others)
- Understanding MVC Framework Express JS
- Setup MongoDB and Connect with Nodejs
- Callback Functionality & (Promises and Bluebird Promises)
- Working with Different Type Module (Node Mailer, PDFMAKE, SocketIO, Passport JS, Express-session, Cookie Parser, connect-flash)
- Installing Passport js and make Manual Authentication
- Working with API + JWT (JSON WEB TOKEN) Management
- REST full Api (Social Media Integration – Google, Facebook)
- Chat Application with SOCKET IO
- Debugging of Node Js application
- Deployment Project In Heroku
3 Months
Node.js Course Overview
Node.js, based on the Chrome JavaScript Engine, is a framework for creating fast and scalable networks applications. Node.js, a lightweight framework that is efficient for data-intensive real-time applications, takes advantage of distributed devices due to its event-driven and non-blocking I/O.
RednWhite Institute’s Node JS Training with live professionals will give you the best possible knowledge of NodeJS principles and features, as well as Node execution. Enrolling in a Node JS training course that focuses on NodeJS, application design and module updates & installations, you will become an expert.
What types of apps can you build using Node.js
- Online payment solutions
- Social media platform
- Streaming services like Netflix
- E-Commerce platform
- Online publishing platform
- Online education platforms
- Visual collaboration tools
Introduction of Node.js
- Setup Development Environment
- Node JS Modules
- Node Package Manager
- Creating Web Server
- File System
- Many more……..
Advantages of Node.js
- Outsourcing Company Requirement & Demand
- Powerful Understanding of Student is Required
- Latest Web Developing Tool Form Security Side
- Angular JS is Suitable for Node.js