About Python Course
The basic concepts of Python, including how to work with data, use Django, create conditional statements, and build shell scripts, are covered in our advanced Python course in Amreli. You will gain practical programming experience from this Python training, which will position you for a profitable Python programming job. People can learn about AI and machine learning, as well as how to use and comprehend these languages, through our Python training in Amreli.
Course Duration 12 Months
Daily Time 2 Hours
Included In This Course
- Job Support
- Rich Learning Content
- Taught by Experienced Prof.
- Industry Oriented Projects
Course Modules
Python Training Course
- Python Course Objectives
- Introduction to Python
- Anatomy of Python
- How does Python work?
- A career in Python Technologies and Job Rules
- Potential of Python
- How Desktop Apps Created?
- What is Server-Side Scripting?
- How to Deal with Database
- Understand the working of any GUI Software
- Software making Process
- Working with System Programmatically
- How to interact with Files
- Creating your own Python Packages
- Dealing with Exceptions and Errors
- Emailing with Python
- Data Analysis with NumPy & Pandas
- How to make your executable Software?
- Interacting with CSV files
- Data Visualization with matplotlib
- Anatomy of client-server architecture.
- Creating a Chat App
- Web Scrapping & Web Automation
- How to work with JSON data?
- How does the website's backend work with the front end?
6 Months
Core Python
- Introduction to Python (PPT)
- Introduction to Python
- Anatomy of Python
- How does Python work?
- Career in Python Technulogies and Job Rules
- Fundamentals of Python
- print() and input() Functions
- Variables, Datatypes & Operators
- Type Casting Constructors
- id() and type() Functions
- Datatype in Detail
- String Formatting & Manipulation
- Collection Datatypes with Its Methods
- The mutability of list & tuple
- Shallow & Deep Copy
- Type Casting and del Keyword
- Control Structure
- Types of Control Structure
- Short Hand Syntax (Ternary)
- Looping
- Types of Loops
- range() Function
- Control Statements
- List Comprehension
- Nested Loop
- Function in Detail
- Built-in Functions
- *args, **kwargs and __doc__
- Function Recursion
- Anonymous / Lambda Function
- global keyword
- Return Multiple Values
- Array & Sorting
- 1D & 2D Array with List
- Sorting Collection Datatypes
- Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Class & Object
- Self & del Keyword
- Constructor and Destructor
- Encapsulation
- Nested Function
- Reflection Enabling Functions
- Inheritance & Polymorphism
- Types of Inheritance
- Method Overloading & Method Overriding
- issubclass() and super()
- Built-in Dunder Methods
- Operator Overloading
- Exception Handling
- try … except
- try … except … else
- try … except … finally
- try … except … else … finally
- Custom exception
- raise & assert keyword
- File Handling
- Modes of Opening File
- I/O Operation with File
- Working with Modules
- datetime module
- time module
- math module
- random module
- uuid module
- Modules and Packages
- Creating, Importing & Renaming modules
- __name__ with __main__
- Creating & Using Package
- dir() and __init__.py
- Regular Expression (RegEx)
- re module
- Getting Specific Pattern-wise Data
- Command Line Argument (CLA)
- sys module
- sys.argv
- Pip – Package Manager & Database Interaction (with MySql)
- What is SQL?
- SQL Queries
- Intro to XAMPP (phpMyAdmin)
- CRUD Operation with XAMPP (phpMyAdmin)
- Downloading and Installing Package
- mysql-connector module
- CRUD Operation with Python’s mysql.connector
- GUI with Tkinter
- tkinter module
- tkinter widgets
- tkinter geometry
- Binding functions
- Mouse clicking events
- messagebox()
- Types of pop-up box
- PhotoImage()
- pillow library
- Display image using pillow library
Advance Python
- Ios & subprocess Module
- Basic Terminal Commands
- os module
- subprocess module with call() & Popen()
- Multithreading & Email
- What is Thread in a Process?
- threading module
- Working of Email sending through Internet
- smtplib module
- email Package
- Iterators, Generators & Closures
- __iter__() & __next__()
- iter() & next()
- yield Keyword
- Generator Function
- Generator Object
- global, local & nonlocal Variables
- sorted(), map(), reduce() & filter()
- Simple Decorator
- Chaining Decorator
- @classmethod & @staticmethod
- property() & @property
- Virtual Environment
- virtualenv
- venv
- requirements.txt
- pipenv
- Working with Editors & Idle
- Sublime Text 3
- VS Code
- Anaconda Navigator
- PyCharm IDE
- Data Analysis with NumPy
- NumPy Library
- NumPy Datatypes
- Array Indexing
- Array Math & Broadcasting
- 1D & 2D Array
- Arithmetic Operations on 2D Array
- Hot Modules of Python
- qrcode Library
- pyinstaller Library
- csv module
- Data Analysis with Pandas
- Pandas Library
- Data Structure
- Operations on DataFrames
- Handling Missing Data
- Boolean Reductions
- Combining DataFrames
- pivoting, sorting & aggregation
- Descriptive Statistics
- Types of Function Application
- groupby() & transform()
- Re-indexing& Altering Labels
- Data Visualization
- matplotlib Library
- Types of Charts with pyplot
- Networking
- What is Socket & Port?
- What is Client & Server
- socket module
- Socket Programming
- Web Scrapping
- requests Library
- beautifulsoup Library
- Web Automation
- selenium Library
- Different Browser’s WebDrivers
- JSON Parsing
- What is JSON?
- json module
- Serialization & Deserialization of Data
- Read and Write JSON data with File
- Working with Live JSON API Data
- Introduction to Web Development
- Basic HTML
- What is Framework
- Installing Flask Microframework and Run First Web App
- Routing and Variable Rules
- URL Building
- HTTP Methods
- Templates
- Static Files
- Sending Form Data to Template
- File Uploading
Django Web Development
- Introduction to Django Framework (PPT)
- What is a Web Framework?
- MVT Architecture
- Setup Virtual Environment
- Installing Django
- Exploring Directory Structure
- Creating First Django Project
- Setting-up Django Web App
- Creating First Django App
- Understanding URL Routing
- Handling Different Views
- Running Web App on Server
- Templates with DTL (Django Template Language)
- Setup Template directory’s Path
- Creating and Rendering Templates using URL Routings *
- Passing Context in Multiple Templates
- Using DTL to load context in Template
- Tags, Variables & Filters
- Template Inheritance
- Form Handling
- Raw HTML Form
- Pure Django Form
- Form Widgets
- Display Form to Multiple Templates
- URL Routing
- Dynamic URL Routing
- Creating and Linking Multiple Apps
- In App URL Routing & Namespacing
- Django URLs Reverse
- Views and Mixins
- FBV (Function Based Views)
- CBV (Class Based Views)
- Convert FBV to CBV
- Custom Mixins for CBV
- Static File Handling
- Setup static and media directory’s Path
- Adding Bootstrap for Frontend Enhancement
- Collect Static Files
- Working with Models
- Django Database Models
- Model Fields
- Model Inheritance
- Add an App to INSTALLED_APPS
- Migrating Models to Database
- Update Models and Migrate
- DAP (Django Admin Panel)
- Creating Superuser
- Exploring DAP
- Manage Superuser
- CRUD Operations with DAP
- @admin.register()
- Customizing DAP
- ORM (Object Relational Mapper)
- Using Django python-shell
- Using ORM to deal with Database
- CRUD Operation using ORM
- Retrieve Data using Filters
- Dynamic Templates
- Dynamic Webpages
- Retrieve Data using QuerySets
- Passing context to Template
- Form Validation
- Django ModelForm
- Form Validation Methods
- Setting initial values for Forms
- Working with Another Database
- Integrating MySQL Database
- Using XAMPP for Database Interaction
- User Authentication
- @login_required decorator for FBV
- LoginRequiredMixin for CBV
- login(), logout() and authenticate() methods
- get_object_or_404() method
- Creating APIs Using DRF (Django Rest Framework)
- Intro and Installing DRF
- Adding REST_FRAMEWORK in settings.py
- What is Serializer and Deserializer?
- Serializer Class and ModelSerializer Class
- APIs using Serializers, FBV, CBV, Model Mixins and Generic API Views
- Testing Browsable APIs
- Using DRF’s URL
- Using Postman
- Routing and Authentications in DRF
- Types of ViewSets
- Types of Routers
- authentication_classes and permission_classes properties
- Documenting APIs
- Using drf-yasg package
- Integrating drf-yasg into settings.py
- Generating APIs Docs
- Test browsable APIs using drf-yasg’s url
- Publishing Django Web Application
- Deploy on GitHub
- Deploy on pythonanywhere
- Collect Static Files
Python Training Course Overview
Anyone who wants to learn more about coding in Python will benefit from the Python course in Amreli. For students, software engineers, and data scientists in particular, it would be helpful. People who want to learn more about web development, machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence, and other relevant topics would also find it useful.
Python's libraries offer a lot of help, and by providing numerous languages with the fundamental knowledge they require, it benefits them all. In nations like France, the United Kingdom, and the United States, where it is highly demanded by the leading industries, python has grown to be very popular. Python is a flexible language that may be applied to a wide range of projects. People that use Python are in high demand and earn a lot of money since it has a promising future. The primary objective of Python training in Amreli is to support students. We also provide Python Training in Rajkot and Android Training in Amreli.
In Our Python Course, we train the understudies from fundamental to cutting edge ideas in a continuous climate. Our work prepared python preparing educational plan incorporates a wide scope of python programming highlights, high level python ideas, python prearranging, test robotization, python for Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Web Development, Internet of Thongs and Big Data applications. Assuming you will get openness to industry based ongoing undertakings, our preparation is an optimal method for accomplishing that. You can also join web development course in Surat.
Which certification is best for Python?
- Certified Entry-level Python Programmer (PCEP)
- Certified Associate in Python Programming (PCAP)
- Certified Professional in Python Programming (PCPP1)
- Certified Professional in Python Programming (PCPP2)
Is there any exam for Python?
- The OpenEDG Python Institute permits possibility to take accreditation tests at three capability levels: Entry (PCEP) Associate (PCAP) Professional (PCPP)