About PHP Course
Hypertext processor is what PHP stands for, and it is an open-source scripting language. It is free to use and download and helps create websites. It is vast enough to work on any social network and includes all contexts like java, HTML, CSS and PHP code. The PHP code is executed on the server and is converted into plain HTML later. PHP helps in creating content, sending and receiving cookies, reading, writing, saving, delete files on the server; it even helps encrypt data. PHP runs on various platforms and is compatible with all servers; it supports a wide database.Php is very easy to learn and understand. It can be efficiently done, too; PHP script language starts from one simple line to the most complex one, and with the constant need to change web codes, the need for a PHP developer is never-ending. If you like website developing work, you can enroll for PHP Classes in Rajkot.
Course Duration 12 Months
Daily Time 2 Hours
Included In This Course
- Job Support
- Rich Learning Content
- Taught by Experienced Prof.
- Industry Oriented Projects
Course Modules
PHP Development Training Course Objectives
- PHP Course Objectives
- Introduction to website development
- Understand how server-side programming works on the web
- PHP Basic syntax for variable types and calculations
- Creating conditional structures
- Storing data in arrays
- Using PHP built-in functions and creating custom functions
- Understanding POST and GET in form submission
- How to receive and process form submission data
- Working with SESSION
- HTML design setup into PHP
- Creating a company-oriented Database (MySQL)
- Maintain more security on the website
- File management
- Working with website backend penal
- A working concept with OOP(Object Oriented Programming)
- Working with Ajax
- Social media integration
- Email sending with PHP
- File uploading with PHP
- Website data convert into API
- Real-world Payment getaway creation
- Real-world Blog or e-commerce website creation
Core PHP
- Intro to PHP Programming
- What is PHP, and what usage of PHP
- intro to server & installing XAMPP
- echo & print function
- Fundamentals Of PHP
- Datatypes
- variables & constants
- introduction of operators (arithmetic, assignment)
- logical operator
- types of comments
- $_request[‘get’] superglobal variable
- Control Structure(User Relational Operator)
- if statement
- if … else
- ladder if … else
- nested if … else
- Switch case
- Ternary operator
- Branching & Looping
- while loop
- do … while loop
- for loop
- nested for loop
- Array & Functions
- Types Of Array
- Number Index Array
- Associative Array
- Foreach Loop
- Multi-Dimensional Array
- Array Functions
- String Functions
- Date & Time Functions
- User Define Function (UDF)
- File System Basic
- File Handling
- Commonly Used File Functions
- Directory Functions
- Database With SQL
- Introduction To Database & phpMyAdmin
- Make Database & Creating Tables
- Crud Operations
- Insert Update Select And Delete Query Run In MYSQL
- Importing / Exporting SQL File
- PHP Web Concept With CRUD
- Client/Server Communication (HTTP Request Method, Redirecting Page)
- Embed PHP With HTML Form
- Super global Variables
- Database Connectivity
- Crud Operations With PHP (Insert Data)
- Crud Operations With PHP (View Data)
- Crud Operations With PHP (Delete Data)
- Crud Operations With PHP (Update Data)
- OOP With PHP
- Introduction Of Oops Concepts
- Creating Methods
- Crud With Oops (Insert Data)
- Crud With Oops (View & Delete Data)
- Crud With Oops (Update Data )
- Admin Panel With PHP
- Convert HTML admin panel to php
- include(), require(), include_once() & require_once() functions
- table form
- Working With Blog Panel
- Blog website
- creating admin table (crud)
- subcategory data add to the Database
- Blog Post
- Multiple images uploading insert/view
- Multiple images delete
- Multiple images update
- Client Side
- Convert HTML into PHP
- Make data dynamic
- Next previous button with slider
- Gave Comment
- Server Side Validation
- re module
- Getting Specific Pattern-wise Data
- Intro to session
- Simple login & logout.
- multiple logins
- View profile
- update profile
- change password
- JAVASCRIPT & jQuery (Client Side Validation)
- Introduction of javascript
- data type
- function
- events of javascript
- quantity increment decrement
- validation with javascript
- jquery validation
- Ajax
- Introduction of Ajax
- ajax with database & crud operation (data insert)
- ajax with crud operation (view and delete data)
- ajax with crud operation (update data)
- live search
- Mailing feature
- Forgot password
- Intro to PHP Programming
- What is PHP, and what usage of PHP
- intro to server & installing XAMPP
- echo & print function
- Fundamentals Of PHP
- Datatypes
- variables & constants
- introduction of operators (arithmetic, assignment)
- logical operator
- types of comments
- $_request[‘get’] superglobal variable
- Control Structure(User Relational Operator)
- if statement
- if … else
- ladder if … else
- nested if … else
- Switch case
- Ternary operator
- Branching & Looping
- while loop
- do … while loop
- for loop
- nested for loop
- Array & Functions
- Types Of Array
- Number Index Array
- Associative Array
- Foreach Loop
- Multi-Dimensional Array
- Array Functions
- String Functions
- Date & Time Functions
- User Define Function (UDF)
- Database With SQL
- Introduction to Database & phpMyAdmin
- Make Database & Creating Tables
- Primary key concept
- Foreign key concept
- Blade Template
- Introduction Template Inheritance
- Components & Slots
- Displaying Data
- Control Structures
- Forms
- Admin Panel
- Convert HTML Admin Panel to PHP
- Set dashboard into laravel
- Set the table and form it into laravel
- Form With MVC
- CRUD Operations with laravel ( insert)
- Password Handling – sha()
- CSRF Security
- CRUD Operations with laravel ( view)
- CRUD Operations with laravel ( delete)
- CRUD Operations with laravel (update)
- Single File Uploading (insert, view)
- Single File Uploading (delete, update)
- Multiple File Uploading (insert)
- Multiple File Uploading (view, delete)
- Multiple File Uploading (view, delete)
- Searching with Fields
- Pagination with Fields
- Searching with pagination
- Form Request Validation
- Blog Post
- Multiple images uploading insert/view
- Multiple images delete
- Multiple image update
- Client Side
- Convert HTML into PHP
- Make data dynamic
- Next previous button with the slider
- Gave Comment
- Server Side Validation
- Intro to session
- Simple login & logout.
- multiple logins
- View profile
- update profile
- change password
- JAVASCRIPT & jQuery ( Client Side Validation )
- Introduction of javascript
- data type
- function
- events of javascript
- quantity increment decrement
- validation with javascript
- jquery validation
- Ajax
- Introduction of Ajax
- ajax with database & crud operation (data insert)
- ajax with crud operation ( view and delete data)
- ajax with crud operation ( update data)
- live search
- Mailing feature
- Forgot password
- Intro to MVC
- Features of MVC
- Importance of CodeIgniter
- Download & Setup
- Configuring env file
- Authentication Facades
- Directory Structure
- Understanding URL Working
- Removing index.php
- Introduction to controller
- Creating a Controller
- Calling a Controller
- Creating & Calling Constructor Method
- Creating Model Class
- Loading Model
- Customize Routing Rules
- Wildcards
- Redirects
- Creating Views
- Passing Data To Views
- Session Data
- Flash data
- Redirects
- Cookie Management
- Introduction to Database & phpMyAdmin
- Make Database & Creating Tables
- Primary key concept
- Foreign key concept
- Convert HTML Admin Panel into CodeIgniter
- Set dashboard into CodeIgniter
- Set the table and form into CodeIgniter
- Single File Uploading
- Multiple File Uploading
- Searching with Fields
- Pagination with Fields
- Searching with pagination
- Form Request Validation
- Join query
- Data fetch with Ajax
- Login/logout with Admin
- Profile
- Change password
- Update Profile
- Set client side in CodeIgniter
- Display product in CodeIgniter
- Single product view
- Filter product
- Login/logout with Admin
- Profile
- Change password
- Update Profile
- Add to cart
- view cart
- update cart
- delete cart
- Final Project *
- Mailing Feature
- Payment
PHP Training Course Overview
Why choose PHP as a Career option?
The programme's simplicity makes it a widely used programme language, the language is straightforward, and it runs smoothly on all systems; PHP is open source which makes it accessible, and it is always ready for new developers to try and test their skills on it. PHP is a very adaptable program allowing developers to change and edit the codes anytime they want; all most used websites have PHP as the primary language, making it the most versatile programming language; you can mould the website as per your and your customer's needs with PHP, it is easy to update, with so many programming languages PHP's versatility makes it more favourable as the developer can add plugins and extensions to keep up with the pace. We are the leading name for Web Development Course in Ahmedabad. You can contact us anytime.
Scope of PHP Developer
Many c companies are adapting PHP languages and are always in need of PHP developers; in Indian and abroad, the demand for PHP developers is increasing; with good quality PHP knowledge, the opportunities offered will be high due to the very need for IT developers one with many certificates of different aspects of ITR development can get a very high salary expectation with low study cost, a PHP developer gets three various opportunities as a web developer where they are going to create design and manage the website, it helps in data based management where the developer can manipulate the Database according to the will. They can even choose graphic designing if they want innovation and creativity to be their ideal job. Joining Graphic Design Course in Ahmedabad can also benefit you as we are the best institute in Gujarat.